November 3, 2010


In fact ,  "Cheap girl" this word is really suitable on you = =
The reason Why ? It was because , i never prove that I'm saying about you ! 
But then , You admit yourself ^^
so nothing else i can say .
I just wonder why your friend so "chicken mouth" ?
i don't even know who are she .
she dislike me ? or you dislike me ? whatever !
I don't even care what you guys thinking about me .
i never care! If you wanna think that i'm saying you, okay fine.
that mean you never trust me. Then i don't need to forgive you anymore. 
You must pay out the responsibility of our friendship yourself !
Somehow, as her friend you may ask your friend better shut her mouth up and don't burn me up!
Don't always talk about those bullshit ! 
What women habitue you have ?As your age , you just counted as little girl you know .OMFG?
Since my friend asked me to view your status , honestly I'm nearly mad = =
i show it to many friends , what could em' say else? Don't need guess 
Just ,Speechless
I am here to tell you,
don't think that you are the lady *i mean women habitue  = =
and don't always try to guessing all around
what you gonna guess now?
am i saying you ? 
YES ! I am !